It's the time of the year when the veil is thin and the realm of the ancestors is closer at hand. This is reflected in cultural celebrations like Samhain, Day of the Dead, and All Souls Day.
During this time, we might experience a feeling of our ancestors being with us or we may have dreams in which they appear. This can be a joyful period of celebration when we take time to remember fondly those who have left us.
For some of us, however, connecting with our ancestors is challenging or even painful. This may be a result of ancestral trauma, which is shown to be passed down through our DNA and has an energetic stamp that stays with us. Pain around connecting with ancestors can also come from having a contentious relationship with an ancestor or a group of ancestors when they were alive.
During my years as an energy healer, I have developed a technique for healing ancestral wounds. I work with the family tree to clear out old trauma, remove the charge around difficult relationships, and repair relations. Doing this work can create a powerful ripple effect for people, helping them regain energy and move forward in their lives.
Here's what one man I worked with said about his ancestral healing: "The ancestral healing was an amazing experience! Since the healing, I am feeling better. My spirits have been high (not common for me), and the back pain has lessened! I feel somehow looser or more free; a very good feeling.”
If this resonates with you, please contact me to schedule a session. These sessions can happen in person or long distance.